What is the true Lord’s Prayer?

The Divine Prayer

Like anything we do repeatedly, saying this prayer silently or out loud becomes second nature. The Lord’s Prayer is the best known prayer in the Christian religion. It is also known as the Our Father (the first two words of the prayer) and Pater noster (which is Latin for “Our Father”). It was not until the Protestant Reformation that it was called the Lord’s Prayer.

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Many people are familiar with the prayer known as the “Our Father” or the “Lord’s Prayer.” It is a widely recognized prayer that holds significant importance in Christianity. However, there is some debate among scholars and theologians about what the true Lord’s Prayer actually is.

I think this is the clearest rendering of a line that doesn’t really make sense in the traditional English translation (“lead us not into temptation”). It is absurd to think God might lead us into temptation. The Aramaic phrase is rather “don’t let us remain in” temptation. In this appeal, we ask, during those times when we’re mired in sin, that the Almighty Father will reach down and liberate us from evil’s grip.

The Traditional Lord’s Prayer

The third verse of the Lord’s outline for prayer is the following. The Lord’s Prayer he gave is unique in that it delineates, directly from one member of the Godhead (the Son), how the other member of the Godhead (the Father) should be approached. It is also noteworthy because it was spoken in the middle of a message that, for the first time, more fully revealed the New Covenant (its requirements, blessings, etc.) offered to all humans.

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Despite variations in interpretation and emphasis, the Lord’s Prayer remains a foundational and universal prayer among Christians. The Presbyterian and other Reformed churches tend to use the rendering “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”. The “trespasses” version appears in the 1526 translation by William Tyndale (Tyndale spelling “treaspases”). In 1549 the first Book of Common Prayer in English used a version of the prayer with “trespasses”. This became the “official” version used in Anglican congregations.

The traditional Lord’s Prayer is found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Matthew (Matthew 6:9-13) and the book of Luke (Luke 11:2-4). This version of the prayer is recited by Christians around the world and is often considered to be the authentic Lord’s Prayer.

I say it in my car on the way to work every morning. I have been asking the deacon in the Church I attend to discuss two aspects of our faith which I think most people who attend Mass do not understand. The first thing is explaining the parts of the Mass. Second are the lines in the Our Father which you have done here.The article is very well done.

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Debates and Interpretations

It makes sense that Jesus would have taught this prayer on multiple occasions to His disciples and followers. The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer that Jesus taught His followers to say when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. It has been learned by the majority of Christians throughout the history of the church. Jesus, on the very brink of His suffering and Crucifixion makes time to stop and pray.

Despite the widespread use of the traditional Lord’s Prayer, some scholars argue that there may be another prayer that could be considered the true Lord’s Prayer. One such candidate is the prayer found in the Gospel of John (John 17), where Jesus prays for himself, his disciples, and all believers.


In the end, the true Lord’s Prayer may be a matter of interpretation and personal belief. Whether it is the traditional version found in Matthew and Luke or the prayer in John, what remains clear is the significance of prayer in the lives of Christians and the importance of seeking guidance and strength from a higher power.

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