The First Word of Prayer

The Divine Prayer

When it comes to prayer, many people wonder what the first word should be. Some may think it has to be a specific word or phrase, while others believe it can be any word that comes to mind. However, in reality, there is no set rule for the first word of prayer.

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What is the significance of the first word in prayer?

Prayer is also linked to sacrifice, which seems to support prayer as a cultic—as well as a personal—act and as a supplement to the bare word in human attempts to relate to the sacred or holy. In any case, the sacrificial act generally precedes the verbal act of prayer. Thus, the presentation of an offering often prolongs prayer and is viewed as a recognition of the sovereignty and beneficence of the deity or supernatural powers. The word of a human being (in prayer), however, apart from a concomitant sacrificial act, is itself viewed as the embodiment of sacred action and power. From its primitive to its mystical expression, prayer expresses a human desire to enter into contact with the sacred or holy.

He was appointed by Jesus himself to say these things. He patiently worked his way through these great doctrines with people so they began to understand with their minds (as far as the mind will go) what great things God has worked out and how they fit life itself. In fact, one of these men told me that some months ago the chief psychologist of the California prison system was asked by the Prison Board why was it that Vacaville prison had fewer riots and less trouble than any other prison in the state. The man said, “The only thing I can suggest is that there is a group of Christians up there who pray for Vacaville prison. That may not mean much to you,” he said, “but that is what appears to me to make the difference.” Thou art coming to a King, Great petitions with thee bring, For his love and power are such, None can ever ask too much. Communal prayer is preferred over solitary prayer, and a quorum of ten adult males (a minyan) is considered by Orthodox Judaism a prerequisite for several communal prayers.

Does praying seem like an exercise in eloquent speech that you just don’t possess? Find biblical answers to many of your questions about prayer. Now it is suggested here, and I think deliberately so, that this was an habitual thing in the lives of Adam and Eve. It is rather remarkable, but the first prayer is recorded only after the fall. Yet the account suggests very plainly that prayer had been a continual delight and blessing to Adam and Eve, and was daily a part of their experience.

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In this approach, the purpose of prayer is to enable the person praying to gain a direct experience of the recipient of the prayer (or as close to direct as a specific theology permits). This approach is very significant in Christianity and widespread in Judaism (although less popular theologically). In Eastern Orthodoxy, this approach is known as hesychasm. It is also widespread in Sufi Islam, and in some forms of mysticism. It has some similarities with the rationalist approach, since it can also involve contemplation, although the contemplation is not generally viewed as being as rational or intellectual.

Public worship is a very revealing indication of what is going on in a church. In 1872, Francis Galton conducted a famous statistical experiment to determine whether prayer had a physical effect on the external environment. Galton hypothesized that if prayer was effective, members of the British Royal family would live longer, given that thousands prayed for their wellbeing every Sunday.

The first word of prayer sets the tone for the entire conversation with a higher power. It is the initial connection we make when communicating with the divine. This word can reflect our intentions, emotions, and beliefs, shaping the rest of the prayer that follows.

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So, what is the first word of prayer?

The first word of prayer can vary depending on personal preference and cultural or religious background. Some common first words of prayer include:

  • Amen: A word often used at the end of prayers, symbolizing agreement, affirmation, or trust in the divine.
  • Lord: Addressing a higher power or deity as a sign of respect and reverence.
  • Dear: Using this word to establish a more intimate and personal connection with the divine.

Ultimately, the choice of the first word of prayer is a personal one, guided by individual beliefs, traditions, and spiritual practices. What matters most is the sincerity and intention behind the words spoken during prayer.

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