Signs of Constant Singletude in a Birth Chart

Personalized Numerology Report

Scorpio is a water sign that uses emotional energy as fuel, cultivating powerful wisdom through both the physical and unseen realms. In fact, Scorpio derives its extraordinary courage from its psychic abilities, which is what makes this sign one of the most complicated, dynamic signs of the zodiac. In my experience, this position of Saturn does not seem to deny or delay marriage. I have seen enough people with Saturn in the seventh who have married young, and whose partners are not considerably older than them. However, it does suggest a gravitation to a responsible and mature partner, as well as a heavier and more serious view of partnership than average. The native takes their partnerships seriously and will usually go to lengths to fulfill their responsibilities in partnership.

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Check out an annual forecast chart that maps out the next 12 months. You can plug in any date, past or future, and run a transit chart that compares the planets in motion to your birth chart. If you’re picking a wedding date, booking travel, or scheduling an important career move, check out the transit chart to see if the skies are clear. In the example below, the inner wheel (with blue planetary symbols) is our birth chart—which is a fixed map that never changes.

When looking at a birth chart, there are certain indicators that can suggest someone may experience constant singletude, or being single for extended periods of time. Here are some signs to look out for:

When interacting with other people, you are incredibly social but also need your time alone. You truly strive to make the world a better place, which you often do by coming up with brilliant and unorthodox ideas. When a planet occupies its favorite house in a birth chart, it is said to be “in its joy,” automatically elevating this planet by helping it work at its best. Understanding your birth chart can open a whole new universe within yourself. Each of the 10 main celestial bodies in the solar system is also found in your chart, and each one represents a different part of yourself.

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1. Venus in Detriment or Fall

The Sun in the seventh house suggests a person who negotiates and compromises. Partnership is important to the native, and one’s identity is heavily wrapped up in partnership. The ego comes into play in relationships, and there can be a tendency to focus a little too heavily on keeping scores and trying to balance things out. Most important here is to avoid losing one’s identity in a partnership, because it will wear the person down and resentment of the partner is quite possible. These people can easily become doormats, and allow themselves to be used or taken advantage of.

One of the key factors in determining a person’s love life is the placement of Venus in their birth chart. When Venus is in detriment or fall, it can indicate challenges in forming and maintaining relationships, leading to prolonged periods of being single.

Aspects refer to the angles planets make to each other—the “why” of astrology. There are major and minor aspects, but as you begin your study of the natal chart, focusing on the major is best. Consider the degrees listed as starting points with an orb of plus or minus 5°.

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2. Saturn in the 7th House

The 7th house in astrology represents partnerships and relationships. When Saturn is placed in this house, it can bring delays, restrictions, and obstacles in forming long-lasting connections with others, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

3. Moon in Hard Aspect to Venus

The Moon represents emotions and Venus represents love and relationships. When these two planets are in challenging aspects, such as squares or oppositions, it can create emotional turmoil and difficulties in finding harmony in romantic relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can someone with these placements ever find love?

A: Absolutely! While these indicators may suggest challenges in the love department, they do not determine one’s fate. With self-awareness, personal growth, and effort, anyone can overcome astrological obstacles and find fulfilling relationships.

Q: Are there any positive indicators for love in a birth chart?

A: Yes! Positive indicators include a strong placement of Venus, harmonious aspects between Venus and other planets, and a well-aspected 7th house. These factors can enhance one’s ability to attract and maintain loving relationships.

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