Learn about pregnancy and giving birth in the UK with this guide full of information on antenatal care, hospitals and more. Once your baby arrives, you’ll be able to visit your doctor for general health check-ups and vaccinations. Mothers – both locals and expats who’ve worked in the country for at least seven months before becoming pregnant – are given 90 days of paid maternity leave. To receive this, you’ll need to sign up in the Social Security Office8. Over thousands of years, our prehistoric ancestors tracked awesome phenomena such as powerful eclipses and short-range comets, as well as frequent cyclical patterns.
In this case, you start with your own natal (birth) chart, and compare it to the transiting (moving) planets, i.e., the current positions of the planets in the sky. Below are some styles of birth charts that exist across other astrology websites. On this website, we generally use both birth chart and natal chart. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events. R/Astrology is a community for discussing and learning about astrology, not for personal chart or life questions.No ChatGPT allowed.
Then you and your doctor can decide how often to have your appointments going forward. I’m hoping someone can help me because I’ve tried to consult astrology charts numerous times throughout my life and NEVER found that the interpretation fit me in the least. Not only do the chart interpretations seem inaccurate according to me, I’ve asked friends to read them and they agree — they’re most often wildly off to friends, too. You’re not the same person in New York as you are in Los Angeles, just as things are different from one job to another or one relationship to another. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and that’s reflected in our stars. For centuries, astrology was at the heart of science, medicine, philosophy, and magic.
Being the counterpart of Venus, Mars is connected to the masculine force in your birth chart and also plays a part in determining what you find sexy in a lover or partner. For the new year, we’d suggest doing what’s called a transit chart (also called a “natal plus transits” chart). This may require the guidance of a professional astrologer because the interpretation work can get complex!
Many people believe that their birth chart is a predetermined map of their life path and personality traits. But is it possible to defy the stars and go against what is written in your birth chart?
The art of calm on the big day is knowing what your options are and being as informed as possible beforehand. You should be focused on your little one, not wondering what to expect from the doctors during delivery. Perhaps one of the savviest things you can do as an expectant mother in Thailand is enlist the help of a doula. A doula is like a midwife but with an often more personalised role. They’ll be there to support you before, during and after birth6.
Jupiter rules your birth chart, giving you an interest in all things spiritual, mystical, and artistic. A true sensitive soul, you need time alone to daydream and recharge your batteries, making personal boundaries of utmost importance. As someone who is hyperaware of your surroundings, analyzing and organizing are your superpowers. You can always help those around you figure things out, which, of course, makes you shine in the realm of career.
Understanding Birth Charts
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment and location of your birth. It is a tool used in astrology to map out the positions of the planets, sun, and moon at the time of your birth, which then influences your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life events.
The Influence of Birth Charts
Many people believe that their birth chart holds the key to understanding themselves and their life path. They may consult astrologers or read horoscopes to gain insight into their future and make decisions based on the information provided in their birth chart.
Going Against Your Birth Chart
While some people feel bound by their birth chart and believe they are fated to experience certain events in their lives, others believe that free will plays a role in shaping their destiny. It is possible to go against your birth chart by making conscious choices and taking control of your own life.
However, it is important to remember that astrology is a complex and nuanced practice, and going against your birth chart may not always be easy or straightforward.
In conclusion, while your birth chart may provide valuable insights into your personality and life path, it is ultimately up to you to decide how you want to live your life. Whether you choose to follow the guidance of your birth chart or forge your own path, the choice is yours to make.