If I like WASTE by Kxllswatch and Something in the Way by Nirvana, what other songs would I like?

Neuro-Thrive Brain

If you enjoy the haunting melodies and raw emotions found in WASTE by Kxllswatch and Something in the Way by Nirvana, there are plenty of other songs that you may also appreciate. Here are a few recommendations to expand your playlist:

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SCENTLESS APPRENTICE (In Utero, 1993)This is the second song on In Utero, and I believe Dave Grohl wrote the riff. I heard that he writes guitar riffs with the drums in mind, because he obviously has a drummer’s mind. The first time I heard it I thought it was crazy. It’s based on the book Perfume by Patrick Süskind, about the serial killer who goes around murdering people in search of the perfect scent.

1. Hurt by Nine Inch Nails

It’s super heavy, and noisy, and chaotic, but somehow they turn this horrible noisy song into something quite beautiful. How does this affect the way music is made today? Recently, Josh Haun ably took down metal’s “cult of regression” at That’s How Kids Die. If metal specifically doesn’t move forward, especially at a time when it’s so prominently in the media spotlight again, then it becomes novelty — something to toss away once the gag wears off. Six Seoulites take part in a (fictitious) documentary to answer this question, telling the stories of their love lives in the process. ALL APOLOGIES (In Utero, 1993)All Apologies is the last track on In Utero.

Hurt by Nine Inch Nails shares a similar dark and introspective vibe as both WASTE and Something in the Way. The powerful lyrics and emotional delivery make it a perfect fit for fans of these songs.

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I first discovered Nirvana when I was 14 years old. It was the first time that I went into a record store with my dad and I was allowed to buy my own single, that wasn’t like a hand-me-down PJ & Duncan record. Perhaps reminding people who don’t need to be reminded that Nirvana was/is awesome is boring and expected. But cultural events are conversations that continue for years — between media, between friends.

I feel like if Nirvana would’ve ever done a fourth record, this is where they would’ve gone. I think it’s gorgeous, and it showed a completely different side to them. To me, it also showcases just how brilliant a songwriter Kurt was. I think a lot of people take other things into account with him – from the way he looked to what he did on stage, and how enigmatic he was – but first and foremost he was just an incredible songwriter. As Nevermind turns 20 this week, we should think about the songs as they speak to us now, not a year we grasp to relive. “Something in the Way” tells a story about a lost soul who lives under a bridge, pondering the feelings of fish.

2. Black by Pearl Jam

There’s nothing else like “Something In The Way” on Nirvana’s 1991 major label debut, Nevermind. With its languid acoustic guitar, whispered vocals from Kurt Cobain, and quiet drum pattern, the song grips you with its unrelenting simplicity and troubled lyrics. Nirvana knew it was special when they recorded it. Walker is an extreme case, but his commitment to always moving forward is admirable.

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Black by Pearl Jam is another song that captures the melancholic essence found in WASTE and Something in the Way. The haunting vocals and heartfelt lyrics will surely resonate with you if you enjoy these tracks.

3. Creep by Radiohead

Creep by Radiohead is a classic alternative rock song that boasts a sense of vulnerability and alienation, similar to the themes explored in WASTE and Something in the Way. Its emotional depth and haunting melody make it a must-listen for fans of these tracks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any other artists similar to Kxllswatch and Nirvana?
  • What other songs have a similar vibe to WASTE and Something in the Way?
  • Can you recommend more music for fans of alternative rock and grunge?

Exploring new music that aligns with your current favorites can lead to discovering hidden gems and expanding your musical horizons. Give these recommended songs a listen and see where they take you on your musical journey!

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