It often happens that you think you remember something correctly just to find out later that you actually didn’t. If you were born on a day when it was changing signs, it helps to know at least the general time of the day. Here’s why astrologers are asking for the birth data all. You can seek out astrologers who specialize in each of these branches of astrology, and get some really great astrology readings as a result. This is helpful for the Moon in particular, since you can see if the Moon changed signs the day you were born. Mostly likely born by day, with the Sun above the ascendant / descendant axis.
You’ll discover what the placement of planets like Mercury and Mars means for you and understand how the connections they make with each other influence your personality. Astrological charts are valuable tools for self-discovery and guidance. Birth time accuracy is vital in constructing accurate charts, and rectification serves as a method to estimate or refine the birth time when it is uncertain.
When it comes to determining a person’s exact birth time, sometimes we are faced with the challenge of not having an accurate time documented. This can be frustrating, as birth time plays a crucial role in astrology and other fields. However, there are several techniques that can help you work out birth time without an accurate time.
Use Astrological Tools
One way to work out birth time without an accurate time is to use astrological tools such as birth charts and planetary positions. By analyzing the positions of the planets at the time of birth, astrologers can often make educated guesses about the approximate time of birth.
You will be coached through the pushing process, where you will bear down to push the baby out from your vagina. In some cases, you may be assisted through this process with the use of vacuum extraction or forceps. If your labor slows down, pauses, or fails to progress after you have reached 6 cm dilation, your healthcare provider may take a number of steps. Or your practitioner may consider the use of medications, such as oxytocin, to accelerate labor. You enter active labor when you have regular contractions that are increasing in frequency and won’t go away with activity or movement. In the weeks before labor begins, your body will prepare in subtle ways to give birth.
You can receive a personalized birth chart providing a visual representation of the position of the sun, the moon, and the planets at the time of your birth. As mentioned, a professional astrologist who has an in-depth knowledge of natal astrology can help you go through the chart rectification process to nail down a good estimate of your birth time. It’s frustrating and even disappointing to have an accurate natal chart out of reach when you don’t have a birth time. However, it might lift your spirits to know that most people might not have their exact time of birth (even if they think they do). Picture your astrology chart (aka, natal chart) as a clock face with an hour, minute, and second hand. Now picture those hands of time as planets in your natal chart.
They detail how the natal planets in your chart are communicating with one another. Depending on the thickness of the line and the color, you can determine just how strong the connection is, as well as what type of connection is being made. Remember, your horoscope will always be more accurate with an exact time of birth, but this technique can shed valuable information too — and it’s less arbitrary than selecting a random time.
The time of birth pinpoints the exact positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial points in the zodiac. Astrologers use birth time to calculate aspects (angles) between celestial bodies, which reveal potential strengths, challenges, and opportunities in an individual’s life. This type of chart acts more symbolically than a traditional chart and offers more general information about your personality. Yet, even for those who do know their birth time, a Solar sign chart can be extremely enlightening.
Consult Family Members
Another method to determine birth time without an accurate record is to consult family members. Often, parents or other relatives may have a general idea of what time the person was born, even if it is not precise. By gathering information from multiple sources, you may be able to piece together a more accurate estimate of the birth time.
Consider Important Life Events
Take into consideration important life events that may have occurred around the time of birth. Events such as sunrise or sunset, significant planetary alignments, or even personal experiences can provide clues to help narrow down the window of birth time.
Seek Professional Help
If all else fails, consider seeking help from a professional astrologer or psychic who specializes in birth time rectification. These individuals have specific techniques and skills to help pinpoint birth times even without an accurate record. While this may be a last resort, it can provide valuable insight and clarity for those seeking to uncover their exact birth time.