How to Predict Diseases in Birth Chart?

Personalized Numerology Report

If you don’t have enough water in your chart, people might perceive you as cold and out of touch with the world of emotions. Certainly, this can be hard when it comes to having healthy relationships. The antidote is practicing empathy and even spending more time near bodies of water. If you have too much water in your chart, you might live on an emotional roller coaster. The antidote here is having a steady creative practice that serves as a container for your deep feelings.

✅ Personalized Numerology Report

One way to predict diseases in a birth chart is by analyzing the placement of planets in certain houses. Each house in astrology corresponds to different parts of the body, so if a malefic planet like Saturn or Mars is placed in a particular house, it could indicate potential health issues related to that specific body part.

This idea was later expanded by Sattenspiel and Dietz to include the effects of mobility [35] and thus laying the foundations for the development of epidemic models at the global scale. The planetary period of Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Mars, and Ketu tends to cause disease for the charts. More specifically, the period of lord of the difficult houses like 6,8 and 12 has negative indications.

Check out an annual forecast chart that maps out the next 12 months. You can plug in any date, past or future, and run a transit chart that compares the planets in motion to your birth chart. If you’re picking a wedding date, booking travel, or scheduling an important career move, check out the transit chart to see if the skies are clear. In all the other cases, when the death was listed as “X as a complication of Y” when the natal chart doesn’t agree with X as the cause of death, it does agree with Y. Where the nodes of the Moon fall in your birth chart says a lot about what you learned in your past lives and what you intended to learn when you live your life in this one. That’s why the signs are also an integral part of understanding your birth chart.

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It is then not entirely surprising that this approach was first used to study in detail the demands imposed on the transportation system of a large metropolitan city. Most of the disease and mobility parameters are set directly from the literature or careful testing so that as little as possible remains unknown when it is time to apply it to a new outbreak. Create your free natal chart report and examine your transits with our free report site. Dhruva Nakshatras including the three Uttaras (Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha, and Uttara Bhadra) and Rohini, are seen as the most favourable single Nakshatra for outer actions. A well-positioned situated Moon in these Nakshatras (strong in brightness, in the right house, and under functional aspects) is an excellent aid to a person’s well-being.

If you have type 2 diabetes, your health care professional may recommend diabetes medicines that may help you lose weight. People with diabetes may have problems with their feet because high blood glucose levels can damage blood vessels and nerves. To help prevent foot problems, wear comfortable and supportive shoes and take care of your feet before, during, and after physical activity. Work with your health care team to create a meal plan that works for you. You may want to have a diabetes educator or a registered dietitian on your team.

Understanding Planetary Aspects

If you do not wish to enter your real name, you can use initials or an alias. A soft spoken astrologer who answers all questions with accurate prediction. We could contact them several times for suggestions in our life. Socially inclined, you’re fun to be around—no wonder, since you are the epitome of class and charm. Your birth chart is ruled by Venus, giving you an eye for high-end design, art, and fashion.

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Another important factor to consider when predicting diseases in a birth chart is planetary aspects. The aspects formed between planets can reveal the likelihood of certain health problems. For example, if Mars is aspecting the Moon, it could indicate emotional and mental health issues.

Examining the 6th House

The 6th house in astrology is often associated with health and well-being. By looking at the planets placed in the 6th house and any aspects they make, astrologers can gain insight into potential health issues that an individual may face throughout their life.

By carefully analyzing these various factors in a birth chart, astrologers can make predictions about potential diseases and health issues that an individual may encounter. It’s important to remember that astrology should be used as a tool for self-awareness and understanding, rather than a substitute for medical advice from healthcare professionals.

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