How to pray to Jesus every day?

The Divine Prayer

If we seek Him in the good times, we’ll be prepared to seek Him in the hard times. However, I want to be in the habit of seeking Him whether I’m in a season of desperation or prospering. Many times we are tempted to skip this last step of seeking God’s direction, unless we are in a situation where we desperately need it. When my kids come to me with these feelings, I honestly feel blessed that they trust me enough to bring the hard things to me. He wants to visit with us each day throughout the day. Or perhaps you feel like you pray the same thing over and over and somehow God is getting tired of hearing from you.

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Take time to pray for each member of your family. Wherever they are in their relationship with God, pray that He draws them “ever one step closer.” Be as specific as you can as you pray that He will meet them at their point of need. As someone who has always favored unscripted prayers that express heartfelt longings and desires, I have not found structure and spontaneity to be at all at odds with one another. Getting to and from work can become prayer time that is already built into your schedule. Instead of zoning out on your way to work, try praying for something. See if this helps you incorporate prayer into your day.

If you are wondering what a daily prayer from the matrix might look like, here are a few examples. You get to be as creative as you want when you decide on these themes. The ever-present help of God can make us prone to take him for granted.

When you set an alarm to begin praying, also set an alarm to let you know when you have finished praying. You will be able to complete this realistic goal, and it will motivate you to pray more. Establish the work of my hands by helping me to be productive, patient, focused, and insightful. Keep me from distractions and from technology hindering my work instead of helping it. May your Spirit lead me in my work and help me to be joyful, creative, and worshipful–constantly reminding me of your love and that you’re the reason I have breath in my lungs.

✅ #1. Sincere Invite: Angelic Divine Prayer - Angelic Divine Prayer

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with Jesus and deepen your relationship with Him. Here are some tips on how to make praying to Jesus a daily habit:

Guide my steps, my thoughts, my decisions, and my life so it all points to You and Your plan. Let me not fear making a decision, for I know that if it is not Your will, I can trust that You will speak truth into my life and steer me back on track. Guide me today and every day Lord, helping me remember with every breath I take that my job is to align myself with You. Another post will share the prayers of Jesus and how Scripture describes His prayer life. Lord, I praise You for being in control of all things. Thank You that nothing takes You by surprise and nothing happens to me or my loved ones that hasn’t first passed through Your loving hands.

Pray specifically for ministries that are reaching out to the helpless, hopeless, hurting and lost. Obviously, there’s no silver bullet for achieving the perfect prayer life, but I have found Luther’s method to be an effective weapon in fighting for a richer prayer life. Inasmuch as it has benefited me, I commend it to you. One moment I’m praying, the next I’m thinking about that email I need to reply to. Utilizing the structure of the Lord’s Prayer helps me to recognize when my mind has wandered and helps me remember where to pick up again. It is what keeps your relationship thriving, personal, and vibrant.

✅ Claim Your Divine Gift #1: Quiz - Bespoke Divine Blessings

By the grace of God, we experience the blessing of the presence of the Holy Spirit working within us. Whether you dread mornings or cherish them, there’s no denying that dawn brings the chance for a new day, a fresh start, and perhaps even a reset. The morning provides a perfect time to talk to God and start your day focused on His promises and goodness through daily morning prayer.

Set aside time each day

One of the best ways to ensure you pray to Jesus every day is by setting aside a specific time for prayer. This could be first thing in the morning, before bed, or during your lunch break. By establishing a routine, you are more likely to prioritize prayer in your daily schedule.

Find a quiet place

It can be helpful to find a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. This could be a corner of your room, a park bench, or even your car. By creating a peaceful environment, you can better focus on your conversation with Jesus.

Use a prayer journal

Keeping a prayer journal can be a helpful tool in maintaining a consistent prayer life. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and requests to Jesus. This can help you stay organized and reflect on your prayers over time.

Pray with a grateful heart

Remember to thank Jesus for His blessings and grace in your life. Expressing gratitude can help shift your focus from worries and anxieties to the goodness of God. Start your prayers by acknowledging His goodness and faithfulness.

Stay persistent

Prayer is a journey, and there may be days when it feels challenging to connect with Jesus. Stay persistent and continue to pray, even when you don’t feel like it. Trust that Jesus is always listening and that He desires to hear from you.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can cultivate a strong and meaningful prayer life with Jesus. Remember that prayer is a personal and intimate conversation with God, so allow yourself to be open and vulnerable in your conversations with Him.

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