Then we turn to God in those circumstances and beg for his forgiveness. God hasn’t made a mistake by making you as you are. He longs to have a real relationship with the real you.
Many people find themselves questioning their beliefs and seeking a deeper connection with a higher power. If you are wondering how to accept God into your life, there are several steps you can take to begin this spiritual journey.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin.
Understanding Your Beliefs
This devotional journal will help you slow down and experience God’s presence and love by simply being still and knowing Him deeper. I’d gotten in the way of that with my own expectations and standards. I’d tried to earn God’s love and accomplish His purposes within my own means instead of accepting God’s love and seeking Him above all. Learning to accept God’s love has been a process for me.
I seek Your wisdom and guidance in understanding Your will for my life. Help me to trust in Your perfect plan, to find patience in Your timing, and to surrender my desires to Your divine purpose. Accepting the will of God for our lives is a personal and ongoing spiritual journey. The post biblical rabbis taught that, “The righteous of all nations will inherit a share in the world to come (Heaven).” Islam considers both Moses and Jesus to be valid prophets of God. Even Christianity, which has had the most difficult time affirming the salvation value of other faiths, has within it texts and traditions that are more spiritually generous than you might imagine.
However, with God’s help and guidance, we can overcome our struggles and find healing and wholeness. We could fall short of both our own and other people’s expectations. We can act in ways that go against our principles, regret decisions we’ve made, or even do things we know are bad.
After you believe in Jesus for salvation, the Holy Spirit begins to work out Christ’s righteousness within you. This means He reveals things that are not of Christ in you and works with you to remove them, magnifying Christ in you. Accepting how God made you is the key to finding your purpose and seeing that you are valuable. Being in Christ makes you acceptable to God; therefore, you can have peace and accept the way God made you. Let this verse remind you that God is more concerned with your heart than He is with your physical appearance.
Therefore we can know—not just believe, but know—that He very much desires that which He bought. He has His heart set on obtaining it, and He will not be satisfied without it. Now let us apply this simple, natural illustration to the case of the sinner coming to Christ. In the first place, we know that He has indeed bought us.
Before you can fully embrace God, it is important to reflect on your current beliefs and understand what draws you towards spirituality. Take time to explore different religions and philosophies to discover what resonates with you.
Prayer and Meditation
Prayer and meditation can help you to cultivate a relationship with God and open yourself up to receiving divine guidance. Set aside quiet time each day to connect with your inner self and communicate with the divine.
- Speak from the heart when praying
- Meditate on scriptures or spiritual teachings
- Listen for God’s response in the silence
Connecting with a Community
Joining a religious community can provide support and guidance as you navigate your spiritual journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can deepen your understanding of God and help you feel a sense of belonging.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I know if God is speaking to me? – God communicates in subtle ways, such as through intuition, dreams, or signs in your daily life. Trust your instincts and be open to receiving messages from the divine.
- What should I do if I am struggling to accept God? – It is normal to have doubts or uncertainties when exploring your faith. Seek guidance from a spiritual leader or mentor, and continue to pray and meditate on your beliefs.
Remember, accepting God is a personal journey that takes time and patience. Stay open to the signs and messages around you, and trust that you are on the right path towards a deeper connection with the divine.