When it comes to interpreting your birth chart accurately, having the correct time of birth is crucial. However, if you were born in a weird time zone or a location that observes daylight saving time, you may need to make adjustments to ensure the accuracy of your birth chart.
Your zodiac sun, moon and rising signs can help you understand your personalities, give an origin to a fear or help you understand your desires and goals. A birth chart is a wheel, a two-dimensional depiction of the solar system (sun, moon, planets) at the time of your birth. Thanks to this birth /natal chart calculator, you’ll discover the planets and stars present in your birth sky, as well as the zodiac signs they occupied. (However, if you WERE born at (or near) Sunrise, you will have the same rising sign as your Sun sign.) By casting your chart, you will know where your planets were on the day you were born.
Using Online Tools
One of the easiest ways to adjust the time of your birth chart is by using online tools specifically designed for this purpose. Websites like AstroSeek and Astrodienst provide options to adjust your birth time based on different time zones and daylight saving time changes.
Your astrological rising or ascendant is the sign that was rising on the Eastern Horizon at the time and place you were born on this Earth. And when you know the qualities and symbolism of your rising sign you can figure out what qualities your outer brand needs to have to best connect with your customers. Astrology is a challenging subject to master because there is quite a bit you have to memorize and flat out know before you can even begin trying to interpret information about your own natal chart. Your birth chart, when you get one “cast” online or with a professional or using an astrology software, is a two-dimensional representation of the layout of the solar system when you took your first breath.
While the data is well-researched back until 1970, before that date, time zones are far less reliable. In sum, use these types of tools for astrological reasons with reasonable confidence for birthdates after 1970, and skeptically for dates before 1970. Because DST wasn’t a national mandate until the mid 1970s, and record keeping isn’t an exact science, many astrologers will calculate your chart for both DST and Daylight Time. You should know by reading the charts which one feels more authentic, and, let’s be honest, it’s always fun to get two of something. “In the United States, in some locations, this means updating software on a local basis as well.”
Consulting with an Astrologer
You always want to create a chart for the person for the same moment in time but in a different place–otherwise, the chart would have no relevance to its owner. In the above example, when it was 12 PM in Toronto, it was 5 PM in London–the same moment in time but in a different location. If you can narrow down your birth time to a one or two-hour window, you can still estimate your moon and rising sign. If you have a rough idea of your birth time, experiment! You can still work with your natal chart without a birth time, but you won’t have insight into the exact sign placements of the planets. The stars and planets are constantly moving and using the exact time when calculating your birth chart provide a snapshot of that movement from the moment you were born.
It provides a roadmap to understanding how you became YOU. Those lines, called “aspects,” represent conjunctions, trines, sextiles, squares, and oppositions. They detail how the natal planets in your chart are communicating with one another.
The Horizons Report is available for purchase and interprets relocation charts. Being a planet of fantasy and illusion, the placement of Neptune in your chart can demonstrate the areas in your life that could bring up confusion. It may address the parts of your life that you tend to avoid or try to sweep under the rug. With our online resources, you’ll be on your way to a deeper understanding of yourself in no time. If you don’t have a way to contact family or friends who were around or present when you were born – or if they simply don’t remember – the next step is to try to access your birth records.
If you’re unsure about how to adjust the time of your birth chart on your own, consulting with a professional astrologer can be incredibly helpful. An experienced astrologer will be able to assist you in making the necessary adjustments and provide insights into how these changes may impact your chart interpretation.
By taking the time to accurately adjust the time of your birth chart, you can ensure that your astrological readings are as precise and insightful as possible. Whether you use online tools or seek assistance from an astrologer, making these adjustments can make a significant difference in how you interpret your birth chart.