People describe its flavor as nutty, earthy, or similar to that of a mushroom. Additionally, yogurt may be suitable for people with lactose intolerance. This is because the bacteria turn some of the lactose into lactic acid, which is also what gives yogurt its sour taste. In order to keep these bacteria happy, dogs also need prebiotics to feed the bacteria and help them grow. As you blend miso into your cooking, know that some of the live bacteria may not survive if you heat the ingredient over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, Manaker flags.
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your digestive system. They promote a healthy gut and have numerous benefits for your overall health. Incorporating probiotic-rich foods into your diet is an excellent way to ensure you are getting a healthy dose of these beneficial microorganisms. Here are the top 10 probiotic foods that you should consider adding to your daily meals:
ACV has a lot of purported health benefits (some legit, some not so much), but it really does contain probiotics. Just don’t drink it in straight shots, because it’s so acidic—it’s better paired with other foods, say, in a salad dressing. This fermented tea is packed with beneficial bacteria and B vitamins—and it aids digestion, so it can help you debloat, too. If you’re not into the strong, briny taste, kombucha is just one of several probiotic drinks out there on the market. Yogurt is likely the first food that you think of when you hear the word “probiotics,” and to tap into its full potential, look for brands that say “live active cultures” on the label.
1. Yogurt
Yogurt is perhaps the most well-known probiotic food. It contains live cultures such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. Opt for plain yogurt with no added sugars for maximum benefits.
2. Kefir
Ritual’s Synbiotic+ contains probiotic strains, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, that may be beneficial for people with IBS, though more research is needed. Culturelle is a well-known brand of probiotics and is one of the best overall probiotic supplements thanks to its formulation and high CFU count. Not everyone needs to take a probiotic supplement, but if you and your healthcare team decide that you may benefit from taking one, there are many excellent products on the market to choose from. Our dietitians rounded up probiotic supplements for a variety of needs. Culturelle is our best overall pick, but read on for other options. Williams shares that both mental and physical stress are detrimental to your gut health, and that it’s important to focus on managing stress in your life.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink that is rich in probiotics. It contains multiple strains of bacteria and yeast and has been shown to improve digestion and boost immunity. You can drink kefir on its own or use it in smoothies or salad dressings.
3. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish that is high in probiotics. It is also rich in vitamins C and K and fiber. Eating sauerkraut can help improve digestion and support a healthy immune system.
4. Kimchi
Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine and is made from fermented vegetables, typically cabbage and radishes. It is loaded with probiotics, antioxidants, and vitamins A and C. Adding kimchi to your meals can aid in digestion and reduce inflammation.
5. Miso
If this sounds unmanageable, consider that serving sizes may be smaller than what you’d expect. In the study, a serving of kombucha and yogurt were 6 ounces; meanwhile, a typical bottle of kombucha might have two to three times that amount. The varied roles of probiotics include producing certain vitamins or help you absorb nutrients better, aiding in digestion and keeping bad microbes from causing harm. Your gut environment is intricately tied to your physical and mental health. For instance, the majority of your immune system cells originate in the gut, as do most of your mood-regulating chemical messengers.
Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, barley, or rice. It is a good source of probiotics, protein, and vitamins. Incorporating miso into soups, stews, and marinades can help improve your gut health.
Miso is a fermented paste made by combining soybeans with salt and a fungus called koji (Aspergillus oryzae)—the same fungus used to make sake. But other researchers warn that there isn’t enough high quality evidence to confirm these benefits and that clinical studies on humans are needed. Kombucha is a fermented black or green tea drink popular in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. It is traditionally made by fermenting soybeans with salt and a fungus called koji.
6. Tempeh
Tempeh is a fermented soybean product that is packed with probiotics and protein. It is also a good source of iron and calcium. Including tempeh in your diet can help support a healthy gut and improve your overall nutrient intake.
7. Kombucha
Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea beverage that is brimming with probiotics. It is also rich in antioxidants and may help improve liver function. Drinking kombucha regularly can contribute to a healthier gut microbiome.
8. Pickles
Pickles are cucumbers that have been pickled in a brine solution containing probiotic bacteria. They are low in calories and high in antioxidants. Snacking on pickles can help replenish the good bacteria in your gut.
9. Traditional Buttermilk
Traditional buttermilk is the liquid left behind after churning butter from cream. It is a tangy and probiotic-rich drink that is great for digestion. You can enjoy buttermilk on its own or use it in baking or cooking.
10. Natto
Natto is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. It is a rich source of probiotics, vitamin K2, and protein. Incorporating natto into your diet can promote a healthy gut and support bone health.
Adding these probiotic foods to your diet can have a positive impact on your gut health and overall well-being. Experiment with different varieties and flavors to find the ones that work best for you. Remember to consume these foods regularly to reap the full benefits of their probiotic properties.